abs() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Retrieve this space vector's absolute value, i.e. its distance from the origin of space.
abs() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Retrieve the absolut speed value of this speed vector.
AbstractActivityBean - Class in jasi.sim.user.model.activity
Implementation of simulation activities.
AbstractActivityBean() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.AbstractActivityBean
Constructor of ActivityBean.
AbstractActivityBean(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.AbstractActivityBean
Construct of ActivityBean.
AbstractComparableObject<T> - Class in jasi.sim.basic.value
This class compares objects for order.
AbstractComparableObject() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.value.AbstractComparableObject
AbstractElementBean - Class in jasi.sim.basic.element
Basic implementation of methods and behavior for all simulation elements.
AbstractElementBean() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Construct a simulation element.
AbstractElementBean(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Construct a simulation element for a given ID.
AbstractEventBean - Class in jasi.sim.basic.event
Basic implementation of any simulation event.
AbstractEventBean() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Construct an event.
AbstractEventBean(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Construct an event for a given time and priority.
AbstractEventBean(Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Construct event for a given time with default priority.
AbstractEventBean(Time, int, EventListener) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Construct an event for a given time and priority.
AbstractEventBean(Time, EventListener) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Construct an event for a given time and priority.
AbstractLispTree - Class in jasi.sim.user.tree
Abstract base class for lisp trees.
AbstractLispTree(StringTokenizer) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.tree.AbstractLispTree
AbstractNode<T> - Class in jasi.sim.basic.tree
Abstract base node class.
AbstractNode() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Create a root node with no leafs and no content.
AbstractNode(T) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Create a root node with no leafs.
AbstractRepeatingEvent - Class in jasi.sim.basic.event
Basic implementation for all events, that can be repeated.
AbstractRepeatingEvent(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
Constructor for RepeatingEvent.
AbstractRepeatingEvent(Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
Constructor for RepeatingEvent.
AbstractRepeatingEvent() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
Constructor for RepeatingEvent.
AbstractRepeatingEvent(Time, int, EventListener) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
Constructor for RepeatingEvent.
AbstractRepeatingEvent(Time, EventListener) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
Constructor for RepeatingEvent.
AbstractSimArchive - Class in jasi.sim.basic
Base class for all simulation archives.
AbstractSimArchive() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
AbstractSimController - Class in jasi.sim.basic.control
Basic simulation controller.
AbstractSimController() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
AbstractSimKernel - Class in jasi.sim.basic
Basic implementation of a simulation kernel based on the singleton design pattern.
AbstractSimKernel(SimController, AbstractSimArchive) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Constructor of SimKernel.
AbstractSimListener - Class in jasi.sim.basic.control
A basic adapter for observers of simulation state changes.
AbstractSimListener() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
AbstractSimValueType - Class in jasi.sim.basic.value
All extending classes of the value-object class need to implement a constructor with a string argument, so that for SimValueType a =...
AbstractSimValueType() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.value.AbstractSimValueType
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.util.Visitables
Accept a visitor for all relations.
acceptDelete() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Delete this simulation element.
acceptDelete(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Delete that simulation element.
acos(double) - Static method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Construct an arc by the arc cosine of an angle, in the range of 0.0 through pi.
Activity - Interface in jasi.sim.user.model.activity
Interface for simulation activities.
ActivityEvent - Class in jasi.sim.user.model.activity
ActivityEvent(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.ActivityEvent
Constructor for Events.
ActivityEvent(Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.ActivityEvent
Constructor for Events.
add(SimListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
Add an observer to the proxy manager.
add(ConditionTree) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.Tables
Add a table to the table list.
add(AbstractNode<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Add a node as child to this node.
add(AbstractNode<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.ListNode
Add a node as child to this node.
add(AbstractNode<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.SetNode
Add a node as child to this node.
add(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Add that time to this time.
add(Space) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Add that space value to this space value.
add(SpaceVec) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Add that space vector to this space vector.
add(Speed) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Add that speed to this speed.
add(SpeedVec) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Add that speed vector to this speed vector.
add(Arc) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Add that arc length to this arc length.
addCalendarListener(CalendarListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Add an listener for state changes of this calendar.
addElementsListener(ElementsListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Add an listener for state changes of elements.
addEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Add a model for this event.
addEventListener(EventListener) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
Add an model for this event.
addEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Add a model for this event.
addEventListener(SenseEventListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.sense.SenseModel
Add a sense event listener .
addLine(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(Object[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(Object, Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(Object[], Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(Object, Object[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(Object[], Object[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(SimValue) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(SimValue[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(SimValue, SimValue) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(SimValue[], SimValue) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(SimValue, SimValue[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addLine(SimValue[], SimValue[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Add a condition line to this table.
addSensableElement(Sensable) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensing
Add that sensed element to the list of sensed elements.
addSensingElement(Sensing) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensable
Add that sensing element to the list of sensing elements.
advance(Time, Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
Request an advance of the simulation time.
advance(Time, Time) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimController
Request a time advance.
advance(Time, Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.Timer
Request an advance of the simulation time.
advancedTime(Time, double) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
A time advance has been granted.
advancedTime(Time, double) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimListener
A time advance has been granted.
advancedTime(Time, double) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
A time advance has been granted.
advancedTime(Time, double) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
A time advance has been granted.
Airplane - Interface in jasi.airtraffic.model
The interface for an airplane's functionality.
AirplaneBean - Class in jasi.airtraffic.defi
The airplane element.
AirplaneBean() - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneBean
Constructor for an airport.
AirplaneBean(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneBean
Constructor for an airport for a given ID.
AirplaneHandler - Class in jasi.airtraffic.defi
The container of an airplane's element attributes.
AirplaneHandler() - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Construct container of an airport's attributes.
AirplaneHandler(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Construct container of an airport's attributes.
Airport - Interface in jasi.airtraffic.model
The interface for an airport's functionality.
AirportBean - Class in jasi.airtraffic.defi
An airport object.
AirportBean() - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportBean
Constructor for an airport.
AirportBean(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportBean
Constructor for an airport for a given ID.
AirportHandler - Class in jasi.airtraffic.defi
The container of an airport's element attributes.
AirportHandler() - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportHandler
Construct container of an airport's attributes.
AirportHandler(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportHandler
Construct container of an airport's attributes.
AirtrafficArchive - Class in jasi.airtraffic.kernel
Extension of an XML archive for the air traffic simulation.
AirtrafficArchive() - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.kernel.AirtrafficArchive
AirtrafficSimulation - Class in jasi.airtraffic.kernel
A factory for the simulation kernel of the air traffic simulation.
AirtrafficSimulation() - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.kernel.AirtrafficSimulation
amount(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Retrieve the amount of this time in units of that time.
amount(Space) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Retrieve the amount of this space value in units of that space value.
amount(Speed) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Retrieve the amount of this speed value in units of that speed.
amount(Arc) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Retrieve the amount of this arc length in units of that arc length.
angleFrom(Coordinate) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Get the direction angle to that coordinate from this coordinate.
angleTo(Coordinate) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Get the direction angle at this coordinate to that coordinate.
Arc - Class in jasi.sim.geo.spherical
Arc length.
Arc(double) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Constructor of an arc.
Arc(Arc) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Constructor of an arc.
Arc(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Constructor of an arc.
arc(Coordinate) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Get the arc length from this coordinate to that coordinate.
ARC_FILE - Static variable in class jasi.airtraffic.kernel.AirtrafficSimulation
The simulation's default archive file name.
ARC_FILE - Static variable in class jasi.sim.user.Simulation
The simulation's default archive file name.
archive() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Get archive of the simulation.
asin(double) - Static method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Construct an arc by the arc sine of an angle, in the range of -pi/2 through pi/2.
asList(Id[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Transform an array of element IDs into a list of simulation elements.


base - Variable in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
Base time for tests.
base - Variable in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpace
Base time for tests.
base - Variable in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpaceVec
Base time for tests.
base - Variable in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeed
Base time for tests.
base - Variable in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeedVec
Base time for tests.
base - Variable in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTime
Base time for tests.
BasicController - Class in jasi.sim.user
A simple simulation controller.
BasicController() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.BasicController
Constructor for SimpleController.
BasicOutput - Class in jasi.sim.user
Simple output and error output for simulation into files.
BasicOutput(PrintWriter, PrintWriter) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
Constructor for SimpleOutput.
BasicTestCase - Class in jasi.unittest.sim
Test class for geometric classes.
BasicTestCase() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.BasicTestCase
BasicTestCaseAirtraffic - Class in jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic
The application for the air traffic model.
BasicTestCaseAirtraffic() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic.BasicTestCaseAirtraffic
BEGIN - Static variable in interface jasi.sim.geo.Geometric
Left enclosing bracket.
BinaryRelation - Class in jasi.sim.basic.element.relation
Binary relations.
BinaryRelation() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.BinaryRelation
Constructor of BinaryRelation.
BinaryRelation(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.BinaryRelation
Construct of BinaryRelation.
BinaryRelationHandler - Class in jasi.sim.basic.element.relation
Handler for a binary relation of simulation elements.
BinaryRelationHandler() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.BinaryRelationHandler
Constructor of BinaryRelationHandler.
BinaryRelationHandler(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.BinaryRelationHandler
Construct of BinaryRelationHandler.


c1 - Variable in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionMap
c2 - Variable in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionMap
calculate(Time) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneBean
Calculate actual coordinate.
calculate(Time) - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Airplane
Calculate actual coordinate.
calendar() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Get calendar of the simulation.
calendar() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Get the calendar of this event.
Calendar - Class in jasi.sim.basic.event
The event calendar.
Calendar(Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Constructor of a calendar.
Calendar() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Constructor of calendar, where the current start time of this calendar will be zero.
calendar - Variable in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestCalendar
The calendar.
CalendarListener - Interface in jasi.sim.basic.event
Listener for state changes of a calendar.
canSee(Sensable) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensor
Check, if this sensor can see that element.
change(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
Request the change of the value of a simulation element's attribute/property.
change(Element, String, T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimController
The attribute value of a simulation element will be changed.
change(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Request the change of the value of a simulation element's attribute/property.
changedElement(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
A simulation element has changed its state.
changedElement(Element, String, T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementsListener
An element property has changed.
changedElement(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
A simulation element has changed its state.
changedElement(Element, String, Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
A simulation element has changed its state.
CHILD - Static variable in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Indicates a child node.
CIRCLE - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Arc length of a full circle.
CIRCLE - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
The sphere's circumference.
ClassSearchVisitor<T,S extends T> - Class in jasi.sim.user.util
A visitor, which selects all instances of a class for the visited objects.
ClassSearchVisitor(Class<S>) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.util.ClassSearchVisitor
Constructor for PrintVisitor.
clear() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Remove all elements from this manager.
clear() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Remove all events from this calendar.
clear() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Removes all mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.Tables
Remove all already defined tables.
collectText() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.AbstractLispTree
Collect text tokens from ICD string until double quotes are found.
ComparableGeoObject<T> - Class in jasi.sim.geo
A geometric element.
ComparableGeoObject() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.ComparableGeoObject
COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface jasi.sim.basic.element.Element
Comparison function, which imposes a total ordering of events.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
Comparison function, which imposes a total ordering of events.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
The time comparator.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
The space value comparator, which imposes a total ordering.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Compare the values of speed objects.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
The value comparator of speed vectors.
compare(Space, Space) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space.Distance
Compares its two arguments for order.
compare(SpaceVec, SpaceVec) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec.Distance
Compares its two arguments for order.
compare(SpaceVec, SpaceVec) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec.IndexComparator
Compares its two arguments for order.
compareTo(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Element, Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Compares that object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Event, Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Compares that object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.id.Id
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.AbstractComparableObject
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Space) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Speed) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Arc) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(TFloat) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TFloat
Compares the specified object with this assignable object for equality.
compareTo(TInteger) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TInteger
Compares the specified object with this assignable object for equality.
compareTo(TString) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TString
Compares the specified object with this assignable object for equality.
compareTo(Element) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
ComplexAttribute - Class in jasi.simple.defi
Example of a record as attribute.
ComplexAttribute() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexAttribute
Default constructor.
ComplexAttribute(ComplexAttribute) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexAttribute
Copy constructor.
ComplexElement - Class in jasi.simple.defi
An example for a simple element.
ComplexElement() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexElement
Constructor for SimpleElement.
ComplexElement(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexElement
Constructor for SimpleElement for a given ID.
ComplexElementHandler - Class in jasi.simple.defi
The container of a complex element's attributes.
ComplexElementHandler() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexElementHandler
Construct container of a complex element's attributes.
ComplexElementHandler(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexElementHandler
Construct container of a complex element's attributes.
components() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Get the components of this direction.
components() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Get the components of this space vector.
components() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Get the components of this space vector.
ConditionMap<K,V> - Class in jasi.sim.basic.table
Map of conditions, which provides access to an if-then-else structure.
ConditionMap() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Constructor for ConditionMap.
ConditionMap.Entry - Class in jasi.sim.basic.table
Entry in a condition map.
ConditionTree - Class in jasi.sim.basic.table
A condition table, that allows to retrieve values from a set of conditions based on an if-then-else structure.
ConditionTree() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Table constructor.
ConditionTree(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Table constructor.
ConditionTree.Line - Class in jasi.sim.basic.table
Line in a condition table.
ConditionTree.Line() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Create a line.
ConditionTree.Line(Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Create a line.
contains(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Check, if that ID already exists.
contains(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Check, if this calendar contains a certain event.
contains(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.Tables
Check, if list of tables already contains a table with that name.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
continueSimulation(Time, Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
The simulation thread continues its execution.
controller() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Get the external controller of this simulation (federation).
convert(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Convert that string to an arc value.
convert(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Convert that string to an latitude value.
convert(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Longitude
Convert that string to an lattitude value.
Coordinate - Class in jasi.sim.geo.spherical
Immutable class to represent space values.
Coordinate(Latitude, Longitude, Space) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Constructor of a spherical coordinate.
Coordinate(Latitude, Longitude) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Constructor of a spherical coordinate on the surface.
Coordinate(Coordinate) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Constructor of a spherical coordinate.
Coordinate(SpaceVec) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Constructor of a spherical coordinate.
Coordinate(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Constructor of a spherical coordinate.
cos() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Returns the trigonometric cosine.
CouldNotCreateObjectException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic
An element could not be created.
CouldNotCreateObjectException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.CouldNotCreateObjectException
Constructor for CouldNotCreateObjectException.
CouldNotCreateObjectException(Throwable, String, Id) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.CouldNotCreateObjectException
Constructor for CouldNotCreateObjectException.
Counter - Class in jasi.sim.basic.id
Counter for IDs.
Counter() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.id.Counter
Constructor for Counter.
create(String) - Static method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Factory for a time object.
create() - Static method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
Factory method for SimpleOutput.
create(String, String) - Static method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
Factory method for SimpleOutput.
createArchive(Simulation) - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic.BasicTestCaseAirtraffic
Create the simulation's archive.
createdElement(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
A new simulation element has been created and registered.
createdElement(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
A simulation element has been created.
createdElement(Element) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementsListener
An element has been created.
createdElement(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
A simulation element has been created.
createdElement(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
A simulation element has been created.
createFlight(String, Airport, Time, Airport, Time) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBeanFactory
Create a flight.
createFlight(String, Airport, Time, Airport, Time) - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.FlightFactory
Create a flight.
createSimulation(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class jasi.airtraffic.kernel.AirtrafficSimulation
Create the simulation instance.
cross(Direction) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Calculate the cross product between this and that direction, i.e., the sine of the angle.
current() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Get this tree's current node.
currentTime() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Get current time of the simulation.


D - Static variable in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Time constant for a day.
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
The default priority of events.
delete() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneBean
Delete this element.
delete() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportBean
Delete this element.
delete() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBean
Delete this element.
delete() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Delete this simulation element from the simulation.
delete() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.element.Element
Delete this simulation element from the simulation.
delete() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.BinaryRelation
Delete this binary relation element.
delete() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.MultiRelation
Delete this binary relation element.
delete() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexElement
Delete this simple element.
delete() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Delete this simple element.
delete() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Delete this simple element.
deletedElement(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
A simulation element has been deleted.
deletedElement(Element) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementsListener
An element has been deleted.
deletedElement(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
A simulation element has been deleted.
deletedElement(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
A simulation element has been deleted.
deleteEventsEarlierThan(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Delete all events with an time earlier than a given time.
DeleteNotSupportedException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.element
Exception whenever the deletion of a simulation element is not supported, i.d., not allowed by the simulation model.
DeleteNotSupportedException(Element) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.element.DeleteNotSupportedException
Constructor for DeleteNotSupportedException.
DELTA - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
The epsilon constant for equal spaces.
Direction - Class in jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
Immutable class to represent a unit direction.
Direction(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Constructor of a unit direction.
Direction(Direction) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Constructor of a unit direction.
Direction(double, double) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Constructor of a unit direction, with vanishing third component.
Direction(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Constructor of a unit direction.
direction() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Retrieve this space vector's unit direction to origin of space.
direction() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Retrieve unit direction of this speed vector.
direction(double, double) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Calculate new coordinate moving a path from this to that coordinate.
distance(Move, Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Retrieve the distance at a given time of this movement from that movement.
distance(Move, Time) - Method in interface jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Move
Retrieve the distance at a given time of this movement from that movement.
distance(SpaceVec) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Retrieve the distance of this space vector from that space vector.
distance(Coordinate) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Get the distance from this coordinate to that coordinate.
distance(Move, Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Retrieve the distance at a given time of this movement from that movement.
divide(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Returns the speed for moving this space in a given time.
dot(Direction) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Calculate the scalar product between this and that direction, i.e., the cosine of the angle.


Element - Interface in jasi.sim.basic.element
Basic methods and behavior for all simulation elements.
ElementAdapter - Class in jasi.sim.basic.element
Basic implementation of methods and behavior for all simulation elements.
ElementAdapter() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Construct a simulation element.
ElementAdapter(Element, Id) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Construct a simulation element.
ElementAlreadyDeletedException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.element
A element was already deleted.
ElementException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.element
Exception whenever something went wrong during access of a simulation element.
ElementNotFoundException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.element
An element could not be found for a given ID.
ElementNotRegisteredException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.element
An element was not registered before accessing.
elements() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Get the element utility class of this simulation.
elements() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Get the listener for property changes and element manager of this element.
elements() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Get the listener for property changes and element manager of this element.
Elements - Class in jasi.sim.basic.element
Simulation elements factory and management class.
Elements(SimController) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Constructor for an element manager.
ElementsListener - Interface in jasi.sim.basic.element
Listener for state changes of elements.
EmptyCalendarException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.event
A calendar is empty.
emptyContent() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElement
Empty the element's content.
emptyContent() - Method in interface jasi.simple.model.SimpleObject
Empty the element's content.
END - Static variable in interface jasi.sim.geo.Geometric
Right enclosing bracket.
entrySet() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Element, Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" that element.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Event, Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" that event.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.id.Id
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Compares the specified object with this map for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Indicates, whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Indicates, whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Test this node with that node for equality by comparing their content.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Indicates, whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Longitude
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.util.Line
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Indicates, whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Indicates, whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TFloat
Indicates, whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TInteger
Indicates, whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TString
Indicates, whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexAttribute
EQUATOR - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Latitude of equator.
ERR_FILE - Static variable in class jasi.airtraffic.kernel.AirtrafficSimulation
The simulation's default error-output file.
Event - Interface in jasi.sim.basic.event
Basic interface of any simulation event.
EventAdapter - Class in jasi.sim.basic.event
Basic implementation of methods and behavior for all simulation events.
EventAdapter(Event, Id) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Construct an event.
EventAlreadyInitializedException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.event
An event was already initialized.
EventAlreadyPoppedException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.event
An event was already popped.
EventAlreadyPushedException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.event
An event has already been pushed.
EventException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.event
Exception whenever something went wrong with a simulation event.
EventListener - Interface in jasi.sim.basic.event
Interface of event listener / simulation model.
EventNotCreatedException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.event
An event has not been created before.
EventNotPoppedException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.event
An event has not been popped before.
EventNotPushedException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.event
An event has not been pushed before.
EventToEarlyException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.event
An event was pushed to an calendar with a current greater than the event's time.
execute(Event) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.EventListener
Handle or execute a pushed event by this event listener/model.
execute(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.AbstractActivityBean
Handle or execute a pushed event by this event listener/model.
execute(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.sense.SenseModel
Handle the event by this event listener.
execute(Event) - Method in class jasi.simple.model.SimpleModel
Handle an event by this model.
ExtendedComparable<T> - Interface in jasi.sim.basic.value
This interface compares objects for order by adding methods for easier comparing.


fillContent(String) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElement
Fill element with new content.
fillContent(String) - Method in interface jasi.simple.model.SimpleObject
Fill element with new content.
finalize() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
Destructor of simulation output:
find(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Find an event by its id in the calendar.
find(Object[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Find the value for a key.
find(SimValue[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Find the value for a key.
findChildren(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Get all children with a given content.
findRoot() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Get this node's root node.
finish(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
A simulation thread has finished.
finish(Time) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimController
A simulation thread will be finished.
finish() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
Finish the repeating of this event.
finish() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.activity.Activity
The activity finishes.
finish() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.LinearActivity
The linear activity finishes.
finish(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.Timer
A simulation thread has finished.
finishedReadingArchive() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
The simulation archive was read.
finishedReadingArchive() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimListener
The simulation archive was read.
finishedReadingArchive() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
The simulation archive was read.
finishedSimulation(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
A simulation thread has been finished.
finishedSimulation(Time) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimListener
A simulation thread has been finished.
finishedSimulation(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
A simulation thread has been finished.
finishedWritingArchive() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
The simulation archive was written.
finishedWritingArchive() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimListener
The simulation archive was written.
finishedWritingArchive() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
The simulation archive was written.
finishSimulation() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
The simulation thread finishes.
fit(double) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Fit that arc length to the interval of a circle.
fit(double) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Check that arc length is inside the latitude section.
FIXED - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Non-moving, fixed.
FIXED - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Non-moving speed vector, fixed.
Flight - Interface in jasi.airtraffic.model
The interface for a flight's functionality.
FlightBean - Class in jasi.airtraffic.defi
A flight object.
FlightBean() - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBean
Constructor for a flight.
FlightBean(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBean
Constructor for a flight for a given ID.
FlightBean(String, Airport, Time, Airport, Time) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBean
Constructor for a flight.
FlightBeanFactory - Class in jasi.airtraffic.defi
A factory for flights.
FlightBeanFactory() - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBeanFactory
FlightFactory - Interface in jasi.airtraffic.model
Interface for factories to create a flight object.
FlightHandler - Class in jasi.airtraffic.defi
The container of an airplane's element attributes.
FlightHandler() - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Construct container of an airport's attributes.
FlightHandler(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Construct container of an airport's attributes.
FlightHandler(String, Time, Time, Id, Id) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Construct container of an airport's attributes.


Geometric - Interface in jasi.sim.geo
Basic constants for geometric elements.
GeoObject - Class in jasi.sim.geo
A geometric element.
GeoObject() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.GeoObject
get(String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Inform this element's listener about a property request.
get(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Inform this element's listener about a property request.
get(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Retrieve element from list.
get(Class<T>, Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Retrieve simulation element of a certain type from list of simulation elements.
get(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this identity hash map, or null if the map contains no mapping for this key.
get(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.Tables
Get an already defined table by it's name.
get(Collection<AbstractNode<S>>, S) - Static method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Get all children of a given content for a list of nodes.
get() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.util.State
Get the state of the enclosed object.
get() - Static method in class jasi.simple.model.SimpleModel
Get the instance of SimpleModel.
getAirplane() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.LandEvent
Get the event's airplane.
getAirplane() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Get the event's airplane.
getAirport() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.LandEvent
Get the event's airport.
getChildren() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Get all children of this node.
getChildren() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.ListNode
Get all children of this node.
getChildren() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.SetNode
Get all children of this node.
getContent() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Get this node's content.
getContent() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.AbstractSimValueType
Get the content of this object.
getContent() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.value.SimValue
Get the content of this value.
getContent() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.GeoObject
Get the content of this geometric element.
getCoordinate() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Get the coordinate attribute.
getCoordinate() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportHandler
Get the coordinate attribute.
getCoordinate(Time) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBean
Calculate actual coordinate.
getCoordinate() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Airport
Get the airport's coordinate.
getCoordinate(Time) - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Calculate actual coordinate.
getCurrentTime() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Get the current time of this calendar, that is given by the event time of the last event, which had been removed (popped) from this calendar.
getDistance() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBean
Calculate the distance between start and landing airport.
getDistance() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Get this flight's distance.
getElement() - Method in exception jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementException
Get the element.
getElement() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.move.NextLocationEvent
Get the event's element.
getElement() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.move.StopMovementEvent
Get the event's element.
getElements() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Returns a unmodifiable collection view of the values contained in the map of all currently existing simulation elements.
getElse(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
getEndTime() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
Returns the end time, when to stop repeating.
getEndTime() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.AbstractActivityBean
Get the expected end time of this activity.
getEndTime() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.activity.Activity
Get the expected end time of this activity.
getEvent() - Method in exception jasi.sim.basic.event.EventException
Get the event, which caused the exception.
getEventListeners() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Get the unmodifiable collection of the event listeners for this event.
getEventListeners() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
Get the unmodifiable collection of the event listeners for this event.
getEventListeners() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Get the unmodifiable collection of the event listeners for this event.
getEventSet() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Retrieve an unmodifiable collection of all events in this calendar.
getExtension() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Get the file extension of an archive.
getExtension() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Get the file extension of an archive.
getExtension() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Get the file extension of an archive.
getFirst() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.BinaryRelationHandler
Get the first element ID.
getFlight() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Get the flight attribute.
getFlightName() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Get the name attribute.
getFound() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.util.ClassSearchVisitor
Get all found instances.
getGrade(Time) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.activity.Activity
Get the grade of completeness of this activity.
getGrade(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.LinearActivity
Get the grade of completeness of this activity.
getHeight() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Get height of this coordinate.
getHistory(int) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Get an indexed item of this element's history.
getHistory() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Get the history attribute.
getId() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Retrieve the element's ID.
getId() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Retrieve the element's ID.
getId() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Retrieve the event's ID.
getId() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Retrieve the event's ID.
getId() - Method in exception jasi.sim.basic.id.IdException
Get the ID.
getId() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.id.SimObject
Retrieve the object's ID.
getId() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Get this table's ID.
getId() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Retrieve the element's ID.
getInstance() - Static method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Get the simulation instance.
getInterval() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
Returns the interval, to repeat this event.
getIntField() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexAttribute
Get the intField attribute.
getKey() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Returns this simulation element external key.
getKey() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.element.Element
Returns this simulation element external key.
getKey() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Returns this simulation element external key.
getKey() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap.Entry
getKey(int) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Get key.
getKey(int) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Get key.
getKey() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Returns this simulation element external key.
getKeys() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Get a copy of keys.
getKeys() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Get a copy of keys.
getLandAirport() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Get the landing airport attribute.
getLandAirport() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Get this flight's landing airport.
getLandAirport() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Get the event's airport where to land.
getLandCoordinate() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBean
Get the landing airport's coordinate.
getLandCoordinate() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Get the landing airport's coordinate.
getLandTime() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Get the landing time attribute.
getLandTime() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Get this flight's landing time.
getLattitude() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Get the latitude of this coordinate.
getLength() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Get length of this latitude.
getLength() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Longitude
Get length of this longitude.
getLines() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Get the lines of this table.
getLines() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Get the lines of this table.
getList() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.MultiRelationHandler
Get the identifiers.
getList() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.Tables
Get a list of all currently defined tables.
getLongitude() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Get the longitude of this coordinate.
getMove() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Get the move attribute.
getName() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Get the name attribute.
getName() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportHandler
Get the name attribute.
getName() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Get the name attribute.
getName() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Airplane
Get the airplane's name.
getName() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Airport
Get the airport's name.
getName() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Get this flight's name.
getName() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Get this table's ID.
getObject() - Method in class jasi.simple.model.SimpleEvent
Get the event's simple object.
getParent() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Get this node's parent.
getPriority() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Retrieve the event's priority.
getPriority() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
Retrieve the event's priority.
getPriority() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Retrieve the event's priority.
getSecond() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.BinaryRelationHandler
Get the second element ID.
getSpeed() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBean
Calculate the speed for the flight.
getSpeed() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Get this flight's required speed.
getSpeed() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Get the speed attribute.
getSpeed() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
Get the simulation speed factor, given in multiples of real-time.
getSpeed() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimController
Get the simulation speed factor, given in multiples of real-time.
getSpeed() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.Timer
Get the simulation speed factor, given in multiples of realtime.
getSpeed() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Get the speed attribute.
getStartAirport() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Get the start airport attribute.
getStartAirport() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Get this flight's start airport.
getStartAirport() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Get the event's airport where to start.
getStartCoordinate() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBean
Get the start airport's coordinate.
getStartCoordinate() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Get the start airport's coordinate.
getStartTime() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Get the start time attribute.
getStartTime() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Get this flight's start time.
getStartTime() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.AbstractActivityBean
Get the start time of this activity.
getStartTime() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.activity.Activity
Get the start time of this activity.
getStringField() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexAttribute
Get the stringField attribute.
getTime() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightBean
Calculate the required time for this flight.
getTime() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Flight
Get this flight's required time.
getTime() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Retrieve the event's time.
getTime() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
Retrieve the event's time.
getTime() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Retrieve the event's time.
getTrack(int) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Get an indexed item of this element's track.
getTrack() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Get the track attribute.
getType() - Method in exception jasi.sim.basic.CouldNotCreateObjectException
Get the type that could not be created.
getValue() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.id.Counter
Returns the value of this counter.
getValue() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap.Entry
getValue() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexElementHandler
Get the value attribute.
getValue() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Get the value attribute.
getValues() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Get a copy of this values.
getValues(int) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Get value.
getValues() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Get a copy of this values.
getValues(int) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Get value.
gotException(Exception) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
An exception occurred during simulation.
gotException(Exception) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
An exception occurred during simulation.
gotException(Exception) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimListener
An exception occurred during simulation.
gotException(Exception) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
An exception occurred during simulation.
gotException(Exception) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
An exception occured during simulation.
gotMessage(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
An message was created by the simulation.
gotMessage(String) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimListener
An message was created by the simulation.
gotMessage(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
An message was created by the simulation.
gotMessage(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
An message was created by the simulation.
GREENWICH - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Longitude


H - Static variable in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Time constant for an hour.
HALF_CIRCLE - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Arc length of a half circle.
has(AbstractNode<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Check, if this node contains that child node.
hasAirplane(Airplane) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportBean
Check, if airport contains that airplane.
hasAirplane(Airplane) - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Airport
Check, if airport contains that airplane.
hasChild(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Check, if this node contains that child node.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Returns a hash code value for that event.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.id.Id
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns the hash code value for this map.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Returns the hash code value for this assignable object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Returns the hash code value for this assignable object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Return a hash code value.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Longitude
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.util.Line
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Returns the hash code value for this assignable object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Returns the hash code value for this assignable object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TFloat
Returns the hash code value for this assignable object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TInteger
Returns the hash code value for this assignable object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TString
Returns the hash code value for this assignable object.
hashCode() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexAttribute
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hasParent() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Check, if this node has a parent node.
hasTrack() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Check, if element has a following track.


IcdTree - Class in jasi.sim.user.tree
Creates a tree structure from a kind of ICD notation.
IcdTree(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.tree.IcdTree
Constructor to create a ICD tree.
Id - Class in jasi.sim.basic.id
Identifiers (IDs) for simulation elements, that are based on exact integers.
Id(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.id.Id
Construct an ID.
Id(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.id.Id
Construct an ID.
IdAlreadyExistsException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.element
It was tried to create an element with an already existing ID.
IdAlreadySetException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.element
It was tried to create an element with an already existing ID.
IdException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.id
Exception whenever something went wrong during access of a simulation element.
IdException(Id, String) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.id.IdException
Constructor for ElementException.
imported(Calendar) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
This event was pushed to a calendar.
imported(Calendar) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
This event was pushed to a calendar.
imported() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
This event was pushed to a calendar.
importEvent(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Add or push an event unchecked to this calendar.
inform() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Request, if this event is an internal or external event.
inform() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
Request, if this event is an internal or external event.
init() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Initialize this simulation instance.
initialize(AbstractSimKernel) - Static method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Initialize the simulation instance.
instance() - Static method in class jasi.sim.user.model.sense.SenseModel
Get the singleton instance of the sense model.
isDeleted() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Check the existence of this element.
isDeleted() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.element.Element
Check the existence of this element.
isDeleted() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Check the existence of this element.
isDeleted() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Check the existence of this element.
isDone() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.util.ClassSearchVisitor
All visited objects will be visited.
isDone() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.util.PrintVisitor
All visited will be visited.
isDone() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.util.Visitor
This method allows to determine, if the visitor has finished its work.
isEmpty() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Check, if this calendar has no events.
isEmpty() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEQ(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.AbstractComparableObject
Compares if this object is equal to the specified object.
isEQ(T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.value.ExtendedComparable
Compares if this object is equal to the specified object.
isFlying() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Get the flying attribute.
isFlying() - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Airplane
Check, if this airplane is flying.
isGE(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.AbstractComparableObject
Compares if this object is greater or equal than the specified object.
isGE(T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.value.ExtendedComparable
Compares if this object is greater or equal than the specified object.
isGT(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.AbstractComparableObject
Compares if this object is greater than the specified object.
isGT(T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.value.ExtendedComparable
Compares if this object is greater than the specified object.
isInitialized() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Check, if this event has just been created.
isInitialized() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
Check, if this event has just been created.
isInitialized() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Check, if this event has just been created.
isLE(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.AbstractComparableObject
Compares if this object is less or equal than the specified object.
isLE(T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.value.ExtendedComparable
Compares if this object is less or equal than the specified object.
isLeafNode() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Check, if this node has no children.
isLT(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.AbstractComparableObject
Compares if this object is less than the specified object.
isLT(T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.value.ExtendedComparable
Compares if this object is less than the specified object.
isNE(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.AbstractComparableObject
Compares if this object is not equal to the specified object.
isNE(T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.value.ExtendedComparable
Compares if this object is not equal to the specified object.
isOn() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensor
Retrieve switch state from sensor.
isPopped() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Check, if this event has already been popped and executed.
isPopped() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
Check, if this event has already executed.
isPopped() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Check, if this event has already been popped and executed.
isPushed() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Check, if this event has already been pushed to a calendar.
isPushed() - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
Check, if this event has already been pushed to a calendar.
isPushed() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Check, if this event has already been pushed to a calendar.
isRootNode() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Check, if this node has no parent node.
isRunning() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Ask, if this simulation is running.


jasi.airtraffic.defi - package jasi.airtraffic.defi
The air traffic elements.
jasi.airtraffic.kernel - package jasi.airtraffic.kernel
An air traffic simulation.
jasi.airtraffic.model - package jasi.airtraffic.model
An air traffic model.
jasi.airtraffic.test - package jasi.airtraffic.test
An air traffic simulation application.
jasi.sim.basic - package jasi.sim.basic
Basic simulation management.
jasi.sim.basic.control - package jasi.sim.basic.control
Basic simulation controlling.
jasi.sim.basic.element - package jasi.sim.basic.element
Management of simulation elements.
jasi.sim.basic.element.relation - package jasi.sim.basic.element.relation
Relations between simulation elements.
jasi.sim.basic.event - package jasi.sim.basic.event
Management of simulation events.
jasi.sim.basic.id - package jasi.sim.basic.id
Identifier for simulation elements and events.
jasi.sim.basic.table - package jasi.sim.basic.table
Condition tables.
jasi.sim.basic.tree - package jasi.sim.basic.tree
jasi.sim.basic.value - package jasi.sim.basic.value
Value and attribute classes.
jasi.sim.geo - package jasi.sim.geo
Basic geometric packages.
jasi.sim.geo.cartesian - package jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
Geometric objects in 3D cartesian space.
jasi.sim.geo.spherical - package jasi.sim.geo.spherical
Geometric objects on a spherical surface.
jasi.sim.geo.util - package jasi.sim.geo.util
Geometric utilities.
jasi.sim.user - package jasi.sim.user
A simulation application example.
jasi.sim.user.archive - package jasi.sim.user.archive
Basic simulation archives.
jasi.sim.user.model.activity - package jasi.sim.user.model.activity
Management of simulation activitiess.
jasi.sim.user.model.move - package jasi.sim.user.model.move
A movement model.
jasi.sim.user.model.sense - package jasi.sim.user.model.sense
A sense model.
jasi.sim.user.table - package jasi.sim.user.table
Special condition tables that uses SimValue-types only.
jasi.sim.user.tree - package jasi.sim.user.tree
jasi.sim.user.util - package jasi.sim.user.util
General utility classes.
jasi.sim.user.value - package jasi.sim.user.value
Special value and attribute classes.
jasi.simple.defi - package jasi.simple.defi
An example of a simulation element.
jasi.simple.model - package jasi.simple.model
An example of a simulation model.
jasi.simple.test - package jasi.simple.test
A simple simulation application.
jasi.unittest.sim - package jasi.unittest.sim
jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic - package jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic
jasi.unittest.sim.geo - package jasi.unittest.sim.geo
join() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Join waiting thread with the simulation thread.


kernel() - Static method in class jasi.sim.user.Simulation
Get the instance of the simulation kernel.
keySet() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
KM - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Space constant for a kilometer.
KM_H - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Speed constant for a kilometer per hour.
KM_S - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Speed constant for a kilometer per second.


land(Airport) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneBean
Land this airplane at that airport.
land(Airport) - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Airplane
Land this airplane at that airport.
landAirplane(Airplane) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportBean
Land that airplane on this airport.
landAirplane(Airplane) - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Airport
Land that airplane on this airport.
LandEvent - Class in jasi.airtraffic.model
An event for landing an airplane.
LandEvent(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.model.LandEvent
Constructor for Events.
LandEvent(Time) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.model.LandEvent
Constructor for Events.
Latitude - Class in jasi.sim.geo.spherical
Latitude is the spherical distance of a location to the equator.
Latitude(double) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Constructor of a latitude.
Latitude(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Constructor of a latitude.
Latitude(Latitude) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Constructor of a latitude.
length() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Get the length of this arc.
Line - Class in jasi.sim.geo.util
Immutable class to represent a line.
Line(SpaceVec, Direction, Space) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.util.Line
Constructor of a line.
Line(SpaceVec, SpaceVec) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.util.Line
Constructor of a line.
Line(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.util.Line
Constructor of a line.
LinearActivity - Class in jasi.sim.user.model.activity
LinearActivity() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.LinearActivity
LinearMove - Class in jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
This class provides algorithms for linear movements with constant speed.
LinearMove(SpaceVec, Time, SpaceVec, Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Constructor of a linear movement between to positions.
LinearMove(SpaceVec, Time, SpaceVec, Speed) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Constructor of a linear movement between to positions.
LinearMove(SpaceVec, Time, SpeedVec, Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Constructor of a linear movement between to positions.
LinearMove(SpaceVec) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Constructor of a "non-moving" linear movement.
LinearMove(LinearMove) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Constructor of a position.
LinearMove(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Constructor of a position.
LispTree - Class in jasi.sim.user.tree
Creates a tree structure from a kind of Lisp notation.
LispTree(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.tree.LispTree
Constructor to create a Lisp tree.
listener - Variable in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
The element listener.
ListNode<T> - Class in jasi.sim.basic.tree
A node class, which can have multiple entries of child node with the same ID.
ListNode() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.tree.ListNode
Create a root node with no leafs and no content.
ListNode(T) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.tree.ListNode
Create a root node with no leafs.
location(Time) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Retrieve location of this simulation element at that simulation time.
Longitude - Class in jasi.sim.geo.spherical
Longitude is the angle of a location's meridian to the zero-meridian.
Longitude(double) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Longitude
Constructor of a longitude.
Longitude(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Longitude
Constructor of a longitude.
Longitude(Longitude) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Longitude
Constructor of a longitude.


M - Static variable in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Time constant for a minute.
M - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Space constant for a meter.
M_S - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Speed constant for meter per second.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jasi.airtraffic.test.TestAirtraffic
Main procedure.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jasi.simple.test.TestArchive
Standard main procedure
main(String[]) - Static method in class jasi.simple.test.TestEvent
Standard main procedure.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jasi.simple.test.TestSimulation
Standard main procedure
main(String[]) - Static method in class jasi.simple.test.TestTable
Standard main procedure
MIDLE - Static variable in interface jasi.sim.geo.Geometric
Separator between components.
minus(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Subtract that time from this time.
minus(Space) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Subtract that space value from this space value.
minus(SpaceVec) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Subtract that space vector from this space vector.
minus(Speed) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Subtract that speed from this speed.
minus(SpeedVec) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Substract that speed vector from this speed vector.
minus(Arc) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Subtract that arc length from this arc length.
MM - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Space constant for a millimeter.
Movable - Interface in jasi.sim.user.model.move
The interface for moving simulation elements.
Move - Interface in jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
Movement for simulation elements.
move(SpaceVec[], Speed) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Start movement for this element.
moveAt(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the movement at a given time.
moveAt(Time) - Method in interface jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Move
Get the movement at a given time.
moveAt(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Get the movement at a given time.
moving() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.move.Movable
Request, if the actual movement has been started.
moving() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Request, if the actual movement has been started.
MS - Static variable in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Time constant for a millisecond.
MultiRelation - Class in jasi.sim.basic.element.relation
Collection of simulation elements to be visited with a varying number of element IDs.
MultiRelation() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.MultiRelation
Constructor of MultiRelation.
MultiRelation(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.MultiRelation
Constructor of MultiRelation.
MultiRelationHandler - Class in jasi.sim.basic.element.relation
Handler for a collection of simulation elements.
MultiRelationHandler() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.MultiRelationHandler
Constructor of MultiRelationHandler.
MultiRelationHandler(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.MultiRelationHandler
Constructor of MultiRelationHandler.


NEVER - Static variable in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Time constant for infinite time.
next() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.id.Counter
Get the next ID from counter.
NextLocationEvent - Class in jasi.sim.user.model.move
Change the movement of a simulation element.
NextLocationEvent(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.move.NextLocationEvent
Constructor of a next location element for archive.
NextLocationEvent(Movable, Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.move.NextLocationEvent
Constructor of a next location element.
NextLocationEvent(Movable, Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.move.NextLocationEvent
Constructor of a next location element.
nextText() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.AbstractLispTree
Get a text token from ICD string.
nextToken() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.AbstractLispTree
Get next token from ICD string.
node(int, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Create a node of a given type for the current node.
NodeException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.tree
Error while handling nodes.
NodeException() - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.tree.NodeException
Constructor for NodeException.
NodeException(String) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.tree.NodeException
Constructor for NodeException.
NodeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.tree.NodeException
Constructor for NodeException.
NodeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.tree.NodeException
Constructor for NodeException.
NORTH_POLE - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Latitude of north pole.


OmtTree - Class in jasi.sim.user.tree
Creates a tree structure from a kind of OMT DIF notation.
OmtTree(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.tree.OmtTree
Constructor to create a OMT tree.
ORIGIN - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
The center of the space values.
ORIGIN - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
The origin of three dimensional space.
ORIGIN - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
The reference point of origin.
OUT_FILE - Static variable in class jasi.airtraffic.kernel.AirtrafficSimulation
The simulation's default output file name.


pop() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Pop the next event waiting from this calendar.
popped(Calendar) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
This event was popped from a calendar.
popped(Calendar) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
This event was popped from a calendar.
popped(Calendar) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
This event was popped from a calendar.
popped(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
This event was popped from a calendar.
poppedEvent(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
An event has been popped from the calendar and was executed by a simulation model.
poppedEvent(Event) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.CalendarListener
An event of the calendar has been popped.
poppedEvent(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
An event has been popped from the calendar and executed by an simulation model.
poppedEvent(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
An event has been popped from the calendar and executed by the simulation.
prepareXMLEncoder(XMLEncoder) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.kernel.AirtrafficArchive
Set the persistence delegates of that XML encoder.
prepareXMLEncoder(XMLEncoder) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Set the persistence delegates of that XML encoder.
printSimulation(Simulation, String) - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic.BasicTestCaseAirtraffic
Print the state of the simulation.
printTree(AbstractNode<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Print this node in a tree.
printTree(int, AbstractNode<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Print this node in a tree.
PrintVisitor<T> - Class in jasi.sim.user.util
A visitor, which prints all visited.
PrintVisitor() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.util.PrintVisitor
Constructor for PrintVisitor.
proxy() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Get the proxy for simulation state change listeners.
push(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Add or push an event to this calendar.
pushed(Calendar) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
This event was pushed to a calendar.
pushed(Calendar) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
This event was pushed to a calendar.
pushed(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
This event was pushed to a calendar.
pushedEvent(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
An event has been pushed to the simulation calendar.
pushedEvent(Event) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.CalendarListener
An event has been added to the calendar.
pushedEvent(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
An event has been added to the simulation calendar.
pushedEvent(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
An event has been pushed to the simulation calendar.
put(K, V) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
put(String, Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.util.State
Set the value of an attribute/property of the enclosed object.
put(String, Object[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.util.State
Set the value of an array attribute/indexed property of the enclosed object.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map.
putElse(V) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
n this map.


RADIUS - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
The sphere's radius.
read(String, AbstractSimKernel) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Read this archive from a file.
read(Reader) - Static method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Create a string for tree from a given reader.
readArchive(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Read state of this simulation from an archive.
readContent() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElement
Retrieve the content of this element.
readContent() - Method in interface jasi.simple.model.SimpleObject
Retrieve the content of this element.
readCoordinate(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Get the coordinate at another time.
readDirection() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the direction vector for a given time.
readElementProperty(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
An element property was requested.
readElements() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Read simulation elements from archive.
readElements() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Read simulation elements from archive.
readElements() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Read simulation elements from archive.
readEvents() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Read simulation events from archive.
readEvents() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Read simulation events from archive.
readEvents() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Read simulation events from archive.
readFinish() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Finish reading this archive from a file.
readFinish() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Finish reading this archive from a file.
readFinish() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Finish reading this archive from a file.
readInit(AbstractSimKernel, String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Initialization of reading this archive, when imported from a file.
readInit(AbstractSimKernel, String) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Initialization of reading this archive, when imported from a file.
readInit(AbstractSimKernel, String) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Initialization of reading this archive, when imported from a file.
readMinimumDistance(SpaceVec) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the minimum distance from a given vector of a location in space.
readMinimumTime(SpaceVec) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the time of minimum distance from a given space vector.
readNextEventTime() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Get the event time of next event in this calendar.
readSpaceVec(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the space vector of this location for a given time.
readSpaceVec(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Get the space vector of this location for a given time.
readSpeed() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the speed for a given time.
readSpeedVec() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the speed vector for a given time.
readStart() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the start position.
readStartTime() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the start time.
readTables() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Read condition tables from archive.
readTables() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Read condition tables from archive.
readTables() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Read condition tables from archive.
readTarget() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the end position.
readTargetTime() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Get the end time.
RECTANGLE - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Arc length of a half circle.
reduceLevel() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Reduce the tree level.
register(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Register a simulation element and insert it into the list of elements.
registered(Elements) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Set the listener for property changes and element manager of this element.
registered(Elements) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.element.Element
Set the listener for property changes and element manager of this element.
registered(Elements) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Set the listener for property changes and element manager of this element.
remove(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Remove an event from this calendar.
remove(SimListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
Remove an observer from the proxy manager.
remove(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present.
remove(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.Tables
Remove an already defined table by it's ID.
remove(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Remove a child node.
remove(AbstractNode<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Remove a child node.
remove(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.ListNode
Remove child nodes from this node.
remove(AbstractNode<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.ListNode
Remove a child node.
remove(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.SetNode
Remove a child node from this node.
remove(AbstractNode<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.SetNode
Remove a child node.
removeAll() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Remove a all children.
removeAll() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.SetNode
Remove a all children.
removeCalendarListener(CalendarListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Remove an listener for state changes of this calendar.
removedEvent(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
An event has been removed from the simulation calendar.
removedEvent(Event) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.CalendarListener
An event has been removed from the calendar.
removedEvent(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
An event has been removed from the simulation calendar.
removedEvent(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
An event has been removed from the simulation calendar.
removeElementsListener(ElementsListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Remove an listener for state changes of this calendar.
removeEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Remove a model for this event.
removeEventListener(EventListener) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.event.Event
Remove an model for this event.
removeEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Remove a model for this event.
removeEventListener(SenseEventListener) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.sense.SenseModel
Remove a sense event listener.
removeSensableElement(Sensable) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensing
Remove that sensed element from the list of sensed elements.
removeSensingElement(Sensing) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensable
Remove that sensing element from the list of sensing elements.
repeat() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StatusPrintEvent
This method will do nothing.
repeat() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
This method is called, when this event is repeated.
repeat() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.move.NextLocationEvent
Repeat this event.
repeat() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.sense.TimeStepEvent
Repeat this event.
repeat() - Method in class jasi.simple.model.SimpleRepeatingEvent
This method will do nothing.
request(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
The value of a simulation element's attribute/property is requested for reading.
request(Element, String, T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimController
The attribute value of a simulation element is requested.
request(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
The value of a simulation element's attribute/property is requested for reading.
requestedElement(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
The attribute value of a simulation element has been read.
requestedElement(Element, String, T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementsListener
An element property was requested.
requestedElement(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.SimProxy
The attribute value of a simulation element has been read.
requestedElement(Element, String, Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
The attribute value of a simulation element has been read.
ROOT - Static variable in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Indicates a root node.
root() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Get this tree's root node.
run() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.Simulation
Run simulation and execute all events.
runSimulation(Simulation, Time, double) - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic.BasicTestCaseAirtraffic
Run the simulation with a given speed and end time.


S - Static variable in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Time constant for a second.
selectElementsOfClass(Class<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Retrieve a selected unmodifiable list of all simulation elements for that given class type.
Sensable - Interface in jasi.sim.user.model.sense
Interface for a passive element of the sensor model.
sense(Sensing, Sensor, Sensable) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.SenseEventListener
Evaluate sense event.
sensed(Sensable) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensing
Retrieve, if that sensed element is currently sensed by this sensing element.
sensedElements() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensing
Get the list of sensed elements of a sensing element.
SenseEventListener - Interface in jasi.sim.user.model.sense
The interface for the sense model.
SenseModel - Class in jasi.sim.user.model.sense
Create sense interactions and inform sense event listeners.
senses(Sensable) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensing
This sensing element senses a sensed element.
Sensing - Interface in jasi.sim.user.model.sense
Interface for an active element of the sensor model.
sensingElements() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensable
Get the collection of elements that are sensing this sensed element.
Sensor - Interface in jasi.sim.user.model.sense
Sensor interface.
sensors() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensing
Get the list of sensors of a sensing element.
set(String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Inform this element's listener about a property change.
set(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Inform that element's listener about a property change.
setAirplane(Id) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.LandEvent
Set the event's airplane.
setAirplane(Id) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Set the event's airplane.
setAirport(Id) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.LandEvent
Set the event's airport.
setChildren(Collection<AbstractNode<T>>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Set all children of this node.
setContent(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Set this node's content.
setCoordinate(Coordinate) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Set the coordinate attribute.
setCoordinate(Coordinate) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportHandler
Set the coordinate attribute.
setCurrentTime(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Set, i.e. increase, the time of this calendar.
setElement(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.move.NextLocationEvent
Set the event's element.
setElement(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.move.StopMovementEvent
Set the event's element.
setElements(Elements) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Set the listener for property changes and element manager of this element.
setElements(List<Element>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Register a collection of simulation elements.
setEndTime(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
Sets the end time, when to stop repeating.
setEndTime(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.AbstractActivityBean
Set the end time.
setEndTime(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.Simulation
Set a new ending time of this simulation.
setFirst(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.BinaryRelationHandler
Set the first element ID.
setFlight(Id) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Set the flight attribute.
setFlightFactory(FlightFactory) - Static method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Add a factory for flights.
setFlightName(String) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Set the flight name attribute.
setFlying(boolean) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Set the flying attribute.
setHistory(int, String) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Set an indexed item of this element's history.
setHistory(String[]) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Set the history attribute.
setId(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Set the element's ID.
setId(Element, Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Set the element's ID.
setId(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Set the event's ID.
setId(Event, Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Set the event's ID.
setId(Id) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.id.SimObject
Set the objects's ID.
setId(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Set this table's ID.
setId(Id) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Set the element's ID.
setInterval(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractRepeatingEvent
Sets the interval, to repeat this event.
setIntField(int) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexAttribute
Set the intField attribute.
setKey(SimValue) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Set this simulation element external key.
setKey(SimValue) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.element.Element
Set this simulation element external key.
setKey(Element, SimValue) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Set this simulation element external key.
setKey(SimValue) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Set this simulation element external key.
setKeys(Object[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Set the keys of this table.
setKeys(int, Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Set key of a given index.
setKeys(SimValue[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Set the keys of this table.
setKeys(int, SimValue) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Set key of a given index.
setLandAirport(Id) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Set the landing airport attribute.
setLandAirport(Id) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Set the event's airport where to land.
setLandTime(Time) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Set the landing time attribute.
setLines(List<ConditionTree.Line>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Set the lines of this table.
setLines(List<SimValueConditionTree.Line>) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Set the lines of this table.
setList(List<Id>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.MultiRelationHandler
Set the identifiers.
setMove(LinearMove) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Set the move attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Set the name attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportHandler
Set the name attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Set the name attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Set this table's ID.
SetNode<T> - Class in jasi.sim.basic.tree
A node class, where children must possess different IDs.
SetNode() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.tree.SetNode
Create a root node with no leafs and no content.
SetNode(T) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.tree.SetNode
Create a root node with no leafs.
setObject(Id) - Method in class jasi.simple.model.SimpleEvent
Set the event's simple object.
setOn(boolean) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.sense.Sensor
Set switch state of sensor on or off.
setParent(AbstractNode<T>) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Set this node's parent.
setPriority(int) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Initialize the event's priority.
setPriority(Event, int) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Initialize the event's priority.
setSecond(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.BinaryRelationHandler
Set the second element ID.
setSpeed(Speed) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Set the speed attribute.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
Set the simulation speed factor, given in multiples of real-time.
setSpeed(double) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimController
Set the simulation speed factor, given in multiples of real-time.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.Timer
Set the simulation speed factor, given in multiples of real-time.
setSpeed(Speed) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Set the speed attribute.
setStartAirport(Id) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Set the start airport attribute.
setStartAirport(Id) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Set the event's airport where to start.
setStartTime(Time) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Set the start time attribute.
setStartTime(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.AbstractActivityBean
Set the start time.
setStartTime(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.Simulation
Set a new starting time for the simulation.
setStringField(String) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexAttribute
Set the stringField attribute.
setTime(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Initialize the event's time.
setTime(Event, Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Initialize the event's time.
setTrack(int, SpaceVec) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Set an indexed item of this element's track.
setTrack(SpaceVec[]) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Set the track attribute.
setUp() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestCalendar
This method executes before each test method.
setUp() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionMap
This method executes before each test method.
setUp() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionTree
This method executes before each test method.
setUp() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestSimValueConditionTree
This method executes before each test method.
setValue(Id) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.id.Counter
Sets the value of this counter.
setValue(V) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap.Entry
setValue(ComplexAttribute) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexElementHandler
Set the value attribute.
setValue(String) - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Set the value attribute.
setValues(Object[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Set the values.
setValues(int, Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Set value.
setValues(SimValue[]) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Set the values.
setValues(int, SimValue) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Set value.
SIBLING - Static variable in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Indicates a sibling node.
SimController - Interface in jasi.sim.basic.control
Interface to control the execution of a simulation.
SimListener - Interface in jasi.sim.basic.control
Interface for an observer/listener of simulation state changes.
SimObject - Interface in jasi.sim.basic.id
Main interface for all objects of a simulation.
SimpleElement - Class in jasi.simple.defi
An example for a simple element.
SimpleElement() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElement
Constructor for SimpleElement.
SimpleElement(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElement
Constructor for SimpleElement for a given ID.
SimpleElementHandler - Class in jasi.simple.defi
The container of a simple element's attributes.
SimpleElementHandler() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Construct container of a simple element's attributes.
SimpleElementHandler(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Construct container of a simple element's attributes.
SimpleEvent - Class in jasi.simple.model
A simple event.
SimpleEvent(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.model.SimpleEvent
Constructor for Events.
SimpleEvent(Time, int, SimpleObject) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.model.SimpleEvent
SimpleEvent(Time, SimpleObject) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.model.SimpleEvent
Constructor with default priority.
SimpleModel - Class in jasi.simple.model
A simple model.
SimpleMovingElement - Class in jasi.simple.defi
An example for a simple element.
SimpleMovingElement() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Constructor for SimpleMovingElement.
SimpleMovingElement(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Constructor for SimpleMovingElement for a given ID.
SimpleMovingElementHandler - Class in jasi.simple.defi
The container of a simple moving element's attributes.
SimpleMovingElementHandler() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Construct container of a simple element's attributes.
SimpleMovingElementHandler(Id) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Construct container of a simple element's attributes.
SimpleObject - Interface in jasi.simple.model
Object of the simple model.
SimpleRepeatingEvent - Class in jasi.simple.model
A simple repeating event.
SimpleRepeatingEvent(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.model.SimpleRepeatingEvent
Constructor for SimpleRepeatingEvent.
SimpleRepeatingEvent(Time) - Constructor for class jasi.simple.model.SimpleRepeatingEvent
Constructor for SimpleRepeatingEvent.
SimProxy - Class in jasi.sim.basic
Proxy manager for observers/listeners of simulation state changes.
Simulation - Class in jasi.sim.user
The simulation kernel.
Simulation(SimController, AbstractSimArchive, SimListener) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.Simulation
Constructor of simulation.
SimulationAlreadyRunningException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic
A simulation is already running.
SimulationAlreadyRunningException(AbstractSimKernel) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.SimulationAlreadyRunningException
Constructor for SimulationAlreadyRunningException.
SimulationException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic
Exception during simulation.
SimulationException(String) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.SimulationException
Constructor for SimulationException.
SimValue - Interface in jasi.sim.basic.value
Interface for values, that provides a method to get its content.
SimValueConditionTree - Class in jasi.sim.user.table
A condition table, that allows to retrieve values from a set of conditions based on an if-then-else structure.
SimValueConditionTree() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Table constructor.
SimValueConditionTree(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Table constructor.
SimValueConditionTree.Line - Class in jasi.sim.user.table
Line in a condition table.
SimValueConditionTree.Line() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Create a line.
SimValueConditionTree.Line(SimValue[], SimValue[]) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Create a line.
sin() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Returns the trigonometric sine.
size() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Get the number of managed simulation elements.
size() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Get number of events in this calendar.
size() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.Tables
Get the number of tables.
size() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Get the number of children nodes of this node.
size() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.ListNode
Get the number of children nodes of this node.
size() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.SetNode
Get the number of children nodes of this node.
SOUTH_POLE - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Latitude of south pole.
Space - Class in jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
Immutable class to represent space values.
Space(Space) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Constructor of a space value.
Space(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Constructor of a space value.
Space.Distance - Class in jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
Distance function, which imposes a total ordering by comparing the distance to a center.
Space.Distance(Space) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space.Distance
spaceFor(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Returns the distance moved by this speed in a given time.
SpaceVec - Class in jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
Immutable class to represent a space vector.
SpaceVec(Space, Space, Space) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Constructor of a space vector.
SpaceVec(SpaceVec) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Constructor of a space vector.
SpaceVec(Space, Space) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Constructor of a space vector, with vanishing third component.
SpaceVec(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Constructor of a space vector.
SpaceVec.Distance - Class in jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
Distance function, which imposes a total ordering of space vectors by comparing the distance to a center.
SpaceVec.Distance(SpaceVec) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec.Distance
Constructor of this distance comparator.
SpaceVec.IndexComparator - Class in jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
Comparison function, which imposes a total ordering of space vectors by selecting one of the components of the space vector.
SpaceVec.IndexComparator(int) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec.IndexComparator
Constructor of this component comparator.
Speed - Class in jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
Immutable class to represent speed values.
Speed(Speed) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Constructor of a speed value.
Speed(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Constructor of a speed value.
SpeedVec - Class in jasi.sim.geo.cartesian
Immutable class to represent a speed vector.
SpeedVec(Speed, Speed, Speed) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Constructor of a speed vector.
SpeedVec(SpeedVec) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Constructor of a speed vector.
SpeedVec(Speed, Speed) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Constructor of a speed vector, with vanishing third component.
SpeedVec(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Constructor of a speed vector.
SphericalMove - Class in jasi.sim.geo.spherical
Spherical movement.
SphericalMove(Coordinate, Time, Coordinate, Speed) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Constructor for a spherical move.
SphericalMove(Coordinate) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Constructor for a "non-moving" spherical move.
SphericalMove(Coordinate, Time, Coordinate, Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Constructor for a spherical move.
SphericalMove(SphericalMove) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Constructor of a position.
SphericalMove(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Constructor of a position.
start(Airport, Flight) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneBean
Start the flight of this airplane from an airport.
start(Airport, Flight) - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Airplane
Start this airplane from that airport.
start() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Start the simulation thread.
start(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
A simulation thread will be started.
start(Time) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimController
A simulation thread will be started.
start(Calendar) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.AbstractActivityBean
The activity is starting.
start() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.AbstractActivityBean
The activity is starting.
start() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.activity.Activity
The activity is started.
start() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.move.Movable
Start the movement.
start(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.Timer
A simulation thread will be started.
start() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Start the movement.
start - Variable in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestCalendar
The calendars start time.
startAirplane(Airplane) - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportBean
Start that airplane from this airport.
startAirplane(Airplane) - Method in interface jasi.airtraffic.model.Airport
Start that airplane from this airport.
startedSimulation(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
A simulation thread has been started.
startedSimulation(Time) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimListener
A simulation thread has been started.
startedSimulation(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
A simulation thread has been started.
StartEvent - Class in jasi.airtraffic.model
An event to start an airplane and create a flight.
StartEvent(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Constructor for Events.
StartEvent(Time) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Constructor for Events.
startReadingArchive(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
The simulation archive is read.
startReadingArchive(String) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimListener
The simulation archive is read.
startReadingArchive(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
The simulation archive is read.
startSimulation() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
The simulation thread is started.
startWritingArchive(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimListener
The simulation archive is written.
startWritingArchive(String) - Method in interface jasi.sim.basic.control.SimListener
The simulation archive is written.
startWritingArchive(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.BasicOutput
The simulation archive is written.
State - Class in jasi.sim.user.util
This class allows to access the state of a simulation elements and events.
State(Object) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.util.State
Constructor of StringState.
StateException - Exception in jasi.sim.user.util
An exception during state handling.
StateException(String) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.user.util.StateException
Constructor for an exception during state handling.
StateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.user.util.StateException
Constructor for an exception during state handling.
StateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.user.util.StateException
Constructor for an exception during state handling.
StatusPrintEvent - Class in jasi.airtraffic.model
An event to print a listing of all airplanes.
StatusPrintEvent(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.model.StatusPrintEvent
Constructor for SimpleRepeatingEvent.
StatusPrintEvent(Time) - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.model.StatusPrintEvent
Constructor for SimpleRepeatingEvent.
stop() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Stop the simulation thread.
stop() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.move.Movable
Stop the movement.
stop() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Stop the movement.
StopMovementEvent - Class in jasi.sim.user.model.move
Change the movement of a simulation element.
StopMovementEvent(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.move.StopMovementEvent
Constructor of a next location element for archive.
StopMovementEvent(Movable, Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.move.StopMovementEvent
Constructor of a next location element.
StopMovementEvent(Movable, Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.move.StopMovementEvent
Constructor of a next location element.
StreamArchive - Class in jasi.sim.user.archive
An archive using serialization.
StreamArchive() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive


tables() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Get the table utility class of this simulation.
Tables - Class in jasi.sim.basic.table
Management class of condition tables.
Tables() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.table.Tables
testAdding() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
Test addition of Arcs.
testAdding() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpace
Test addition of spaces.
testAdding() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeed
Test addition of Speeds.
testAdding() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTime
Test addition of times.
TestAirtraffic - Class in jasi.airtraffic.test
The application for the air traffic model.
TestAirtraffic() - Constructor for class jasi.airtraffic.test.TestAirtraffic
TestAirtraffic1 - Class in jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic
The application for the air-traffic model.
TestAirtraffic1() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic.TestAirtraffic1
TestAirtraffic2 - Class in jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic
The application for the air-traffic model.
TestAirtraffic2() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic.TestAirtraffic2
TestArc - Class in jasi.unittest.sim.geo
Testing geometric space.
TestArc() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
TestArchive - Class in jasi.simple.test
An archive example application.
TestArchive() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.test.TestArchive
TestCalendar - Class in jasi.unittest.sim
Testing simulation calendar
TestCalendar() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.TestCalendar
testCompare() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
Test comparing Arcs.
testCompare() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpace
Test comparing Spaces.
testCompare() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeed
Test comparing Speeds.
testCompare() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTime
Test comparing times.
TestComplexAttribute - Class in jasi.unittest.sim
Test of record-type attribute
TestComplexAttribute() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.TestComplexAttribute
testComponents() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpaceVec
Test vector cross product.
testComponents() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeedVec
Test vector cross product.
TestConditionMap - Class in jasi.unittest.sim
Testing condition map.
TestConditionMap() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionMap
TestConditionTree - Class in jasi.unittest.sim
Test condition tree.
TestConditionTree() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionTree
testConstruction() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestCalendar
Test construction.
testConstruction() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionMap
Test construction.
testConversion() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
Test string conversion of Arc.
testConversion() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestPosition
Test string convesion.
testConversion() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpace
Test string conversion of Spaces.
testConversion() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeed
Test string conversion of Speeds.
testConversion() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTime
Test string conversion of times.
testConvert() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpaceVec
Test conversion between strings and space vectors.
testConvert() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeedVec
Test conversion between strings and space vectors.
testCoordinate() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
Test sorting of Arcs.
testCross() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpaceVec
Test vector cross product.
testCross() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeedVec
Test vector cross product.
testCurrentTime() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestCalendar
Test setting current Time.
testDot() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpaceVec
Test scalar dot product.
testDot() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeedVec
Test scalar dot product.
TestEvent - Class in jasi.simple.test
Event example application.
TestEvent() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.test.TestEvent
testFind() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionTree
Test find in condition tree.
testFind() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestSimValueConditionTree
Test find in condition tree.
testFirst() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTree
The first test.
testIcd() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTree
Test ICD-Tree.
testLattitude() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
Test string conversion of Lattitude.
testLocate() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestPosition
Test calculation of actual location.
testLongitude() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
Test string conversion of Longitude.
testMinimum() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestPosition
Test minimum.
testMultiplying() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
Test multiplication of times with a factor.
testMultiplying() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpace
Test multiplication of time with a factor.
testMultiplying() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeed
Test muliplication of times with a factor.
testMultiplying() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTime
Test multiplication of times with a factor.
testNever() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTime
Test string conversion Time.NEVER.
testNoElse() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionMap
Test condition map without else-key.
testNorm() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpaceVec
Test norm of space vectors.
testNorm() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeedVec
Test norm of space vectors.
testOmdt() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTree
Test OMDT-Tree.
TestPosition - Class in jasi.unittest.sim.geo
Testing positions.
TestPosition() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestPosition
testPrinting() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
Test sorting of Arcs.
testSecond() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTree
The second test.
TestSimulation - Class in jasi.simple.test
Simulation example application.
TestSimulation() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.test.TestSimulation
testSimulation1() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic.TestAirtraffic1
Test procedure 1.
testSimulation2() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.airtraffic.TestAirtraffic2
Test procedure 2.
TestSimValueConditionTree - Class in jasi.unittest.sim
Test condition tree.
TestSimValueConditionTree() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.TestSimValueConditionTree
testSorting() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpace
Test sorting of spaces.
testSorting() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeed
Test sorting of Speeds.
TestSpace - Class in jasi.unittest.sim.geo
Testing geometric space.
TestSpace() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpace
TestSpaceVec - Class in jasi.unittest.sim.geo
Testing geometric space vectors and psositions in three-dimensional Space.
TestSpaceVec() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpaceVec
TestSpeed - Class in jasi.unittest.sim.geo
Testing speeds.
TestSpeed() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeed
TestSpeedVec - Class in jasi.unittest.sim.geo
Testing geometric space vectors and psositions in three-dimensional Speed.
TestSpeedVec() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeedVec
TestTable - Class in jasi.simple.test
Condition table example application.
TestTable() - Constructor for class jasi.simple.test.TestTable
testThird() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTree
The third test.
TestTime - Class in jasi.unittest.sim
Testing simulation times.
TestTime() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTime
TestTree - Class in jasi.unittest.sim
Testing trees.
TestTree() - Constructor for class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTree
testUpdate() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestPosition
Test calculation of location update.
testWithElse() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionMap
Test condition map with else-key.
testXML() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestArc
Test XML
testXML() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpace
Test XML
testXML() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpaceVec
Test XML
testXML() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeed
Test XML
testXML() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.geo.TestSpeedVec
Test XML
testXML() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestComplexAttribute
Test XML
testXML() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionMap
Test XML
testXML() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestConditionTree
Test XML
testXML() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestSimValueConditionTree
Test XML
testXML() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestTime
Test XML
testXMLElement() - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.TestComplexAttribute
Test XML
TFloat - Class in jasi.sim.user.value
Float variable for condition tables.
TFloat(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.value.TFloat
TFloat(double) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.value.TFloat
Time - Class in jasi.sim.basic.value
Simulation time.
Time(Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Time(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
timeFor(Speed) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Returns the time needed to move this distance ba a given speed.
timeFor(Space) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Returns the time needed to move a given distance by this speed.
Timer - Class in jasi.sim.user
A standard simulation timer, that advances time according real time with a given speed.
Timer() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.Timer
times(double) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Multiply this time object by a factor.
times(long) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Multiply this time object by a factor.
times(Space) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Get a space vector from this direction by providing a distance, i.e. a space value.
times(Speed) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Get a speed vector from this direction by providing a speed value.
times(double) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Multiply this space value by a factor.
times(double) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Multiply this space vector by a factor.
times(double) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Multiply this Speed object by a factor.
times(Time) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Calculate the space vector distance which is achieved by this speed vector in a given time.
times(double) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Multiply this speed vector by a factor.
times(double) - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Multiply this arc length by a factor.
TimeStepEvent - Class in jasi.sim.user.model.sense
Change the movement of a simulation element.
TimeStepEvent(Time, int) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.sense.TimeStepEvent
Constructor of a next location element for archive.
TimeStepEvent(Time, Time) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.model.sense.TimeStepEvent
Constructor of a next location element.
timeToNextLocation() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.move.Movable
Request time for the next update of movement.
timeToNextLocation() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Request time for the next update of movement.
TInteger - Class in jasi.sim.user.value
Integer variable for condition tables.
TInteger(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.value.TInteger
TInteger(int) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.value.TInteger
toDegree(Arc) - Static method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Converts an arc length into degrees, minutes and seconds.
tokenizer - Variable in class jasi.sim.user.tree.AbstractLispTree
The string tokenizer.
toRadians(double) - Static method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Converts degrees as double into an arc.
toRadians(String) - Static method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Converts degrees as string into an arc.
toString() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirplaneHandler
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.AirportHandler
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.defi.FlightHandler
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.LandEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.airtraffic.model.StartEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.control.AbstractSimController
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.AbstractElementBean
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString(Element) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.ElementAdapter
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.BinaryRelationHandler
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.relation.MultiRelationHandler
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.AbstractEventBean
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.Calendar
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString(Event) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.event.EventAdapter
Returns a string representation of that event.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.id.Id
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree.Line
Returns a string representation of this table.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionTree
Returns a string representation of this table.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.Tables
List all currently defined tables.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.tree.AbstractNode
Get string representation of this node.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Returns a string representation of this space object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.LinearMove
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Space
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Speed
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpeedVec
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Latitude
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Longitude
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.SphericalMove
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.util.Line
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.activity.AbstractActivityBean
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.model.move.NextLocationEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.Simulation
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree.Line
Returns a string representation of this table.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.table.SimValueConditionTree
Returns a string representation of this table.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.Timer
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString(Collection<AbstractNode<S>>) - Static method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Get string representation of a list of nodes.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
Get string representation of this node.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.util.State
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TFloat
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TInteger
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TString
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexAttribute
toString() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.ComplexElementHandler
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleElementHandler
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElementHandler
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jasi.simple.model.SimpleEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
transform() - Method in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Coordinate
Returns the space vector of this coordinate.
Tree<T> - Class in jasi.sim.user.tree
Create a node tree from a Lisp string.
Tree() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.tree.Tree
TreeException - Exception in jasi.sim.basic.tree
Error while handling trees.
TreeException() - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.tree.TreeException
Constructor for TreeException.
TreeException(String) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.tree.TreeException
Constructor for TreeException.
TreeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.tree.TreeException
Constructor for TreeException.
TreeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jasi.sim.basic.tree.TreeException
Constructor for TreeException.
TString - Class in jasi.sim.user.value
String variable for condition tables.
TString(String) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.value.TString


updateMove() - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.model.move.Movable
Update the actual movement.
updateMove() - Method in class jasi.simple.defi.SimpleMovingElement
Update the actual movement.


value() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TFloat
Get this value's content.
value() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.value.TInteger
Get this value's content.
values() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.table.ConditionMap
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
visit(T) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.util.ClassSearchVisitor
Print the visited Objects.
visit(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.util.PrintVisitor
Print the visited.
visit(T) - Method in interface jasi.sim.user.util.Visitor
This method is called from the accept method of visited objects.
Visitables<T> - Class in jasi.sim.user.util
Collection of visited objects.
Visitables(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.util.Visitables
Visitor<T> - Interface in jasi.sim.user.util
Visitor interface.


write(String, AbstractSimKernel) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Write this archive to a file.
writeAndReadXML(Object) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Write and read object in XML file.
writeAndReadXML(Object, String) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Write and read object in XML file.
writeAndReadXML(Object) - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.BasicTestCase
Write and read object in XML file.
writeAndReadXML(Object, String) - Method in class jasi.unittest.sim.BasicTestCase
Write and read object in XML file.
writeArchive(String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimKernel
Write state of simulation into an archive.
writeElementProperty(Element, String, T) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.element.Elements
An element property has changed.
writeElements() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Write simulation elements into archive.
writeElements() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Write simulation elements into archive.
writeElements() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Write simulation elements into archive.
writeEvents() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Write simulation events into archive.
writeEvents() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Write simulation events into archive.
writeEvents() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Write simulation events into archive.
writeFinish() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Finish writing this archive to a file.
writeFinish() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Write this archive to a file in XML format.
writeFinish() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Write this archive to a file in XML format.
writeInit(AbstractSimKernel, String) - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Initialization of writing this archive, when exported to a file.
writeInit(AbstractSimKernel, String) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Initialize this archive to export in a file in XML format.
writeInit(AbstractSimKernel, String) - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Initialize this archive to export in a file in XML format.
writeTables() - Method in class jasi.sim.basic.AbstractSimArchive
Write condition tables into archive.
writeTables() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.StreamArchive
Write condition tables into archive.
writeTables() - Method in class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive
Write condition tables into archive.


X - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
X - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec.IndexComparator
The x-component.
XMLArchive - Class in jasi.sim.user.archive
Simulation archive using the XML format.
XMLArchive() - Constructor for class jasi.sim.user.archive.XMLArchive


Y - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Y - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec.IndexComparator
The x-component.


Z - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.Direction
Z - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.cartesian.SpaceVec.IndexComparator
The x-component.
ZERO - Static variable in class jasi.sim.basic.id.Id
An invalid ID.
ZERO - Static variable in class jasi.sim.basic.value.Time
Time constant for zero time.
ZERO - Static variable in class jasi.sim.geo.spherical.Arc
Arc length of zero.