Interface SimObject

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Airplane, Airport, Element, Event, Flight, Movable, Sensable, Sensing, SimpleObject
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractActivityBean, AbstractElementBean, AbstractEventBean, AbstractRepeatingEvent, ActivityEvent, AirplaneBean, AirplaneHandler, AirportBean, AirportHandler, BinaryRelation, BinaryRelationHandler, ComplexElement, ComplexElementHandler, FlightBean, FlightHandler, LandEvent, LinearActivity, MultiRelation, MultiRelationHandler, NextLocationEvent, SimpleElement, SimpleElementHandler, SimpleEvent, SimpleMovingElement, SimpleMovingElementHandler, SimpleRepeatingEvent, StartEvent, StatusPrintEvent, StopMovementEvent, TimeStepEvent

public interface SimObject
extends java.io.Serializable

Main interface for all objects of a simulation.

Method Summary
 Id getId()
          Retrieve the object's ID.
 void setId(Id id)
          Set the objects's ID.

Method Detail


Id getId()
Retrieve the object's ID. Each simulation element obtains during its registration a unique, increasing number for identification.

The ID.


void setId(Id id)
Set the objects's ID. Each simulation object obtains during its registration a unique, increasing number for identification. If ID is already set, it will not be changed.

id - The ID.