Package jasi.sim.basic.element

Management of simulation elements.


Interface Summary
Element Basic methods and behavior for all simulation elements.
ElementsListener Listener for state changes of elements.

Class Summary
AbstractElementBean Basic implementation of methods and behavior for all simulation elements.
ElementAdapter Basic implementation of methods and behavior for all simulation elements.
Elements Simulation elements factory and management class.

Exception Summary
DeleteNotSupportedException Exception whenever the deletion of a simulation element is not supported, i.d., not allowed by the simulation model.
ElementAlreadyDeletedException A element was already deleted.
ElementException Exception whenever something went wrong during access of a simulation element.
ElementNotFoundException An element could not be found for a given ID.
ElementNotRegisteredException An element was not registered before accessing.
IdAlreadyExistsException It was tried to create an element with an already existing ID.
IdAlreadySetException It was tried to create an element with an already existing ID.

Package jasi.sim.basic.element Description

Management of simulation elements.

Simulation elements are persistent simulation objects, which might be deleted (destroyed) at some later time. The state of a simulation element is represented by its attributes. Although an element's state changes over time, its existance does not implicitly depend on the simulation time.

In addition to its state an element usually possesses a behaviour. The behaviour is represented by implementing interfaces, where simulation models can act on, to change the element's state. The main responsibility of these interfaces is the mapping of a simulation element's behaviour to state changes as well as element's states to different kinds of behaviour. In this framework the access to the element's state and the interfaces for their behaviour are seperated by use of class inheritance.